What Is Selected Sourcing Connect
Selected Sourcing Connect (SSC) held by Made-in-China.com is an exclusive event to provide a platform for B2B buyers, industry professionals and business entrepreneurs to explore the latest trends, network with like-minded individuals, and engage in business matching opportunities that can elevate your business ventures to unparalleled success.
New Services and Solutions

New Services and Solutions

Discover innovative platform tools and services, China's industry networks, and reliable payment solutions.

Networking Opportunities

Networking Opportunities

Build valuable collaborations and gain global market insights by interacting with e-commerce experts, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Business Matching Session

Business Matching Session

Connect with potential Chinese manufacturers based on your sourcing needs. Early bird registration only, valued at $199.

Secured Trading Service

Secured Trading Service

Utilize Secured Trading service to ensure trustworthy and protected transactions.